Tonight you’ll hardly fall asleep!

November 6th, 2007 by brscs

Io atat vreau sa spun. Primesc mult SPAM on a dialy basis, dar oamenii ashtia is asha de inventivi ca reushesc sa treaca de filtru de fiecare. Si chiar merita sa le citeshti mailurile. Au copywriter-i angajati care ar cam da clasa baietilor din Advertising-ul romanesc. Pana acum ma amuzam doar cu subjecturile, dar mai nou check this out:

Now that you’ve found a gal that’s hot
You wanna nail her tasteful twat.
She’s so attractive, she’s so nice!
But would your penile size suffice?
Not sure she will yearn for more?
You need a wang she would adore!
But how to get it long and thick?
Your only chance is MegaDik!
You’ll get so wanted super-size
And see wild craving in her eyes!
Your shaft will bang her poon so deep,
Tonight you’ll hardly fall asleep!

So try today this wonder-pi’ll
And change your life at your own will!

Daca va intrebati ce este jenant, raspunsul e urmatorul: ca-s reclame care-s mai triste decat un spam la megadick venit pe mail :-D

2 Responses to “Tonight you’ll hardly fall asleep!”

  1. iskander Says:

    Nici nu-i rau spamu asta :) Iar de “advertizarii” de la noi, de moment ce sunt o ramura din specia “marketoida” ce te astepti? Iti zic eu la ce sa te astepti, la un mesaj de la mine pe tema asta, intr-o zi cand o sa ma sece iara unul dintre ei rau de tot.

  2. mimi Says:


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